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  • Name changed from Yugoslavia to Serbia and Montenegro (CS, SCG, 891) in 2003. Former Yugoslavia was divided into Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Croatia (HR),The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Serbia and Montenegro (CS), Slovenia (SI).
  • Nom changé de Yougoslavie à Serbie-et-Monténégro (CS, SCG, 891) en 2003. L'Ex Yougoslavie a été divisé en Bosnie-Herzégovine (BA), Croatie (HR), l'Ex-République de Macedoniz (MK), la Serbie-et-Monténégro (CS), la Slovénie (SI).

ISO 3166-1 alpha2

  • YU

ISO 3166-1 alpha3

  • YUG

ISO 3166-1 num

  • 891

Official long Name

  • Yugoslavia

Official short Name

  • Yugoslavia

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